What Are Sports Betting Arbitrage in Keybet9 ID?

Arbitrage betting in Keybet9 ID is when you bet on a sports event to make money or at least not lose money no
matter how the event turns out. Most of the time, sports betting arbitrage is possible when two or more
bookmakers have different chances.

Note that a hedging chance is not the same as an arbitrage opportunity. Most of the time, hedge opportunities
come up because odds change over time, not because of differences between agencies.

Mitigating Risks and Ensuring Potential Wins

You might bet on one team with odds of 2.10, only to find that the chances on the other team have gotten longer
and are now 2.20. You can make sure you win by putting a second bet on the other team. This is called
“hedging.” For instance, the odds that Australia will beat England in a test match change every day
based on what happened the day before. During live betting, there are often chances to hedge because the odds
change a lot with each goal or try. Hedging is not the same as arbitrage because when you make your first bet,
you don't know if you'll have a chance to hedge later.